The Republicans don't agree with him. The Democrats think he sold out. Many ignorant people don't support him. Many educated people don't support him. Some think he is a war-mongering Hawk. Others think he is a weakling Dove. Some blame him for what others say he inherited. Others respect his spirit of compromise. Some believe he is trying to fix what is broken. Others hold him responsible for everything from bad weather to Japan's natural and man made disastors.
Maybe this means we already have an indepent third party in the White House?
From WBUR's On-Point: “Barack Obama is being blamed right, left, and center — by almost everyone for one thing or another — including the credit downgrade, the market crash, a slouching economy, and the miasma of the Washington swamp. Critics and erstwhile admirers grumble among themselves — and, mostly anonymously, to the press. Columnists once ready to cheer Obama’s rise now jeer his timid, professorial leadership; Maureen Dowd ridicules him as the “Withholder in Chief.”"
To quote one of our public officials: "There is nothing wrong with our country. There is something wrong with our politics." As per our founding fathers, while I respect his right to say what he says, I disagree with the President. I think there IS something wrong with our country. I hope the country proves ME wrong.
POST SCRIPT: Prior to his speech at the U.N., Obama was accused of being a Muslim. After the speech in which he warned against the U.N. recognizing a Palestinian State until said Palestinians recognized Israel's right to exist, I heard several commentators accuse Obama of being "a Jew." Personally, I think he must be a Buddhist, as the guy somehow manages to keep from totally losing his temper at Congress, at least in public. He's gotta be practicing some form of meditation. But I doubt even Donald Trump would claim that the cult of Buddism lies in Obama's questionable heritage.
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