WHAT PERCENTAGE of women using birth control are married or want to be married? If more than 50% of women using birth control are married, would their husband's prefer that they use an "aspirin between their knees?" SOMEONE SHOULD REALLY DO A SURVEY OF MARRIED MEN!!! Why does everyone (including Rush Limbaugh) presume that birth control is only for promiscuous women who are not married?
I think everyone agrees the highest priority of government (on all levels) should be the economy. The problem with ANYONE who is anti-birth control, in ANY way, shape or form, they are not realistic about the economy (or about sex). Because unwanted pregnancies drive up the costs for the taxpayer -- whether it be via welfare, food stamps, family counseling, social workers, or -- if we just let unwanted children starve -- you will have higher costs for police, courts and jail.
We all know that any organization and/or government must prioritize their goals. We, as a country, must put the economy, jobs and balancing the budget first. Birth control is a critical factor in this equation. So, if Romney is unable to be firmly in favor of a women's right to contraception in all states, that leaves Ron Paul.
But even Ron Paul seems to have some conflicts here, too. This really isn't about freedom of religion. (I'm wondering if the "Church" approves of Viagra. Because insurance covers it.) I wonder if Ron Paul knows of the mother of 17 children attempting to get DNA testing to determine the father of her latest child? I might ask the GOP candidates if the best solution to welfare fraud might be to require anyone applying for family welfare use the birth control of their choice.
If anyone in the GOP wants to unseat Obama, they better work on getting their priorities straight. And, at the very least, ensure (if not insist) on subsidized birth control for those who cannot afford it. If morally opposed to it, one might listen to the Pope, who regards it as the lesser of all the "evils." (Click HERE to view an excellent documentary on Crack Babies. Note Barbara Harris's Program paying female drug addicts to opt for sterilzation. Not saying this is "right," but arguably the lesser of the evils. Expecting a drug addict to not have unprotected sex, is -- well -- kind of naive.)
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