I have been unable to continue with my father's autobiography due to the fact that he would be gravely disturbed at the current political situation.
"Late in the evening on September 30, 2013, the House Rules Committee Republicans changed the Rules of the House so that the ONLY Member allowed to call up the Senate's clean CR for a vote was Majority Leader Eric Cantor or his designee -- all but guaranteeing the government would shut down a few hours later and would stay shut down. Previously, any Member would have had the right to bring the CR up for a vote. Democracy has been suspended in the House of Representatives." (Description of the video on YouTube. Unbelievable? Click HERE to listen for yourself! You decide for yourself...Treason or Reason?)
Essentially, the Republicans have declared their own Civil War, have declared themselves "kings" and are -- in this video -- in the Capital meeting room, announcing that the Democrats can no longer make any decisions! This is different than media flurries about UFO sightings, and the cries to impeach Obama.
Cries to impeach presidents of the opposite side have been common, esp. since Watergate (i.e. The GOP's expensive witch hunt of Bill Clinton and his famous case of endless "aural sex.") Although I don't recall a single cry to impeach GW Bush. I suppose because 9/11 temporarily unified the country, and distracted us from what was brewing on Wall Street, resulting in the big bail out, which Bush insisted upon just before leaving office.
The irony is that Bush was arguably one of the most irresponsible presidents in recent history. The irony is that Bush MOST PROBABLY won the first election via a quiet coup -- the Florida chad incident. At that time, the Democrats didn't pursue challenging the results of that election "for the good of the country." Too divisive, esp. on the heels of the Lewinsky Scandal.
Those of us old enough to remember, I suspect that ever since Watergate resulted on criminal charges and jail time for top White House officials, and -- finally -- the resignation of a disgraced Republican President who lost sight of his once-strong ethics, the GOP -- its reputation sullied -- has been determined to get revenge.
Perhaps that's what the GOP members of this Congress have been all about.....revenge. Just say NO. Don't ALLOW the current president to succeed; FORCE the country to fail. Close down the gov't (Newt Gingrich's legacy), and create chaos to the global economy by forcing the US to default on its financial obligations.
The once-Grand Old Party -- the party of many great politicians, including Eisenhower, Lincoln, Olympia Snowe, and former MA Senators Bill Weld and Scott Brown -- appears to be determined to make ECONOMIC COLLAPSE and ANARCHY happen while Obama is in the White House. I suppose their logic is that they can't risk it happening if they wait for the next election, because then it will look like it is THEIR FAULT.
If the welfare of the country (and possibly the world) wasn't at stake, this is a clever strategy. Why else would Republicans REFUSE to respond to Obama's BEGGING them to propose a decent alternative budget that respects the fact that the AHCA is now LAW (for better or for worse....it is now the Law...it has already been challenged and gone to the Supreme Court).
NORMAL politicians would just wait for the next election, and repeal it THEN!
I'm left wondering if the Republicans are just worried sick that the AFC Act might actually succeed, making them look like fools. Personally, I think the AHCA isn't solving the problem....that Health Care in the US is just plain NOT AFFORDABLE. Insurance companies are increasingly running our lives (just think about how much insurance you must pay -- to start a business, own a home, own a house, have a child, own a dog, and even own a low speed scooter! Bicycles will be next.) Meanwhile, Health Care expenses are running unchecked and unchallenged.
But that's another rant. In the meantime, why isn't this speaker arrested and put in jail? Or at least given a good spanking.
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